Monday, February 16, 2009

Gone Travelling

Hi Folks,

Well hello there to my three readers.

I am flying out to Cairo tomorrow morning for 6 weeks of travelling through Egpyt and Jordan so wont be blogging for a while.

Now all I need to do is stop bouncing off the walls with excitement for a small while...... so I can pack.

Take care all




    actually ... *sob* Iz gunna miss you sooos much :( iz haz to resort to baby talk

    P.s. its bloody raining again!!!! argh

  2. You are a goose.

    Still havent packed, though its all out on the bed and I'm circling with Excalibur.

    Back to the bubbles, though it might be slightly corked....

    PS: Its been raining here for 4 days too. The only crocodiles wandering the streets are wearing tutu's

  3. Gosh darnit - Mike Noga's latest mood status update says he is cooking breakfast in his underwear and dancing to a some by The Faces (i forget which one - something about being rude) and do you want to come over - argh!

    What kind of underwear do you think Mikey would wear?

  4. and of course that is supposed to read 'song' not 'some'

  5. Cairo Taxi Driver sounds fun - but probably long hours. Lovely postcard :)

  6. Had Claire's family home burnt down before you left?

    Farmer's Son is the next single from the album. Glenn disagrees with the decision, i think from what people said.

    um ... what else ... no - i think that is it. Not a lot has happened. Cat 5 cyclone passed my town by, but we already said that.

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