Its been a long long time between drinks but changes afoot in more amounts of normality that even constant change freaks like me can say.
Though Tom Hardy was a simply dreadful Heathcliff, and now he will be our Mad Max. Casting mismatches a plenty here.
And my bucket list has been critiqued by the wondrous and charming Ms Melba - Ned is not whom you think Melbs xoxoxoxo
And the Doctor locks the TARDIS like a car - beep beep but Ood Sigma does not laugh (not long now for Tennant).
This is the story of Finn McCool, I dedicate it to Ms Melba and her diaries and hope that one day she might visit this stunning piece of coastline not far from the home of my grandparents.
Though Tom Hardy was a simply dreadful Heathcliff, and now he will be our Mad Max. Casting mismatches a plenty here.
And my bucket list has been critiqued by the wondrous and charming Ms Melba - Ned is not whom you think Melbs xoxoxoxo
And the Doctor locks the TARDIS like a car - beep beep but Ood Sigma does not laugh (not long now for Tennant).
This is the story of Finn McCool, I dedicate it to Ms Melba and her diaries and hope that one day she might visit this stunning piece of coastline not far from the home of my grandparents.
Finn McCool was a legendary Irish giant who, according to Irish mythology, built the Giant’s Causeway as a pathway to Scotland in order to fight Benandonner, his Scottish counterpart.
One day when going about his daily business a Scottish Giant named Benandonner began to shout insults and hurl abuse from across he channel. In anger Finn lifted a clod of earth and threw it at the giant as a challenge, the earth landed in the sea. Benandonner retaliated with a rock thrown back at Finn and shouted that Finn was lucky that he wasn't a strong swimmer or he would have made sure he could never fight again.
Finn was enraged and began lifting huge clumps of earth from the shore, throwing them so as to make a pathway for the Scottish giant to come and face him. However by the time he finished making the crossing he had not slept for a week and so instead devised a cunning plan to fool the Scot.
Finn diguised himself as a baby in a cot and when his adversary came to face him Finn's wife told the Giant that Finn was away but showed him his son sleeping in the cradle. The Scottish giant became apprehensive, for if the son was so huge, what size would the father be?
In his haste to escape Benandonner sped back along the causeway Finn had built, tearing it up as he went.